Looks like we're in for an all day soaker. Maybe all week.
May 3, 2024
China Launches Mission to Return First Samples From Moon's Elusive Far Side (gizmodo.com)
I forget where, but I read something that characterized this new phase of the space race as the "base race," meaning countries (presumably the United States and China) are racing to be the first to establish a base on the moon. I wonder when that will be possible - ten years? Twenty? How long until the billionaires of the day are hitching rides back and forth?
Orangutan, Heal Thyself (nytimes.com)
Look at that! Rakus, the orangutan I posted about yesterday made today's New York Times!
Here's the original paper in Nature's Scientific Reports:
Laumer, I.B., Rahman, A., Rahmaeti, T. et al. Active self-treatment of a facial wound with a biologically active plant by a male Sumatran orangutan. Sci Rep 14, 8932 (2024).

I saw the first ship of 2024 (for me, at least) heading into port today. Welcome to Toledo, Manitoulin!