Up early and on the road to Boston for Jonathan's graduation.
May 20, 2024
Impeccable Stage Coach Timing

It's a dashboard sunrise kind of day.
This is a first for me - second charging stop of the day is at a supercharger at a casino.

This is a first for me - second charging stop of the day is at a supercharger at a casino.
After driving for about 14 hours, I arrived at the cell phone lot at Logan International about seven minutes before Renee and Jake landed. We couldn't have timed that better if we tried!

I did have one slowdown along the way, about an hour outside of Boston. It's always interesting, and a little disturbing, to get a closer look at things on the shoulder of the expressway. Things you typically never notice (or can't notice) when zooming by at seventy miles an hour. I noticed several things during my 20-30 minute delay — tires, bottles, random metal car parts, shoes (seriously), and vape cartridges, to list a few.
I took this picture mainly because I couldn't confirm the identity of this coily thing without the aid of pinching to zoom on my phone.
Yep - it's a dead snake.
Scarlett Johansson was 'shocked' by OpenAI 'Sky' voice (mashable.com)
Prior to Johannson's statement, Open AI made this claim in a post Sunday: "We believe that AI voices should not deliberately mimic a celebrity's distinctive voice—Sky’s voice is not an imitation of Scarlett Johansson but belongs to a different professional actress using her own natural speaking voice."
They left out the part where they intentionally selected the actress who had a voice that sounds just like Johannson's.

About today's feature image
This old stage coach sits across the street from a supercharger I stopped at today. Not sure what The Bank of Guns is, or what's going on inside the coach.
(Rotterdam, New York)