June 18, 2024


Sey Hey Rip

Today is going to be a few degrees cooler than yesterday, but we've got a stretch of four to five 90°+ days ahead of us.

post published in /2024/06/18

Overall, the NHL playoffs have been great this year. The finals have been a bit lackluster, with Florida dominating, but Edmonton won Game 4 and is out to an early lead in Game 5. Florida has zero pressure to win tonight – they're at home with a 3 games to 1 lead. Win tonight, and they get the Cup in front on their own fans. If they lose tonight, a bit of pressure will creep in.

I'm pulling for Florida but I'd also like to see a Finals that reflects the fantastic nature of the playoffs up to this point. It's not likely, but I'd love to see Edmonton stretch this to six or seven games.

I don't want hockey to end yet.

post published in /2024/06/18

Update on the new Spitfire - title is on its way, but the car still sits in Wisconsin. We're waiting for the transport company to schedule a pickup. It's looking like we won't see it until mid July.

post published in /2024/06/18
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