Welcome to St. Maarten!
tags: travel cruise disney caribbean stmartin
photo posted by matt in Tuesday, September 26, 2023
We woke up this morning to an unexpected port call. At first I thought we were just slowly traversing the Turks Island Passage, cutting southward through the islands. I then realized we were sitting still, and then realized we're were docked. The concierge told us there was a medical emergency on board, and the captain later made an announcement that a crew member needed "additional medical attention that can only be received at a hospital." I watched as an ambulance slowly made its way to the dock and presumably carried the crew member away. I sure hope they're ok.
I also watched a Learjet land at Grand Turk International airport, which was cool. Flew in from Tampa, making slightly better time than us. ;-)
Maybe 20-30 minutes later we were underway again. I guess now Renee and I can officially say we've been to Turks and Caicos.
tags: travel disney fantasy cruise turksandcaicos caribbean
photo posted by matt in Monday, September 25, 2023
"Preliminary forecasts are not predicting any landfall"
I won't say they buried the lead, but, at a minimum, they forgot the subtitle. The quoted language is from the body of the article, and near the end.
posted by matt in Wednesday, September 6, 2023