Content about ios

That photo I just posted is a milestone of sorts for Daystream. It's the first piece of content I've entirely round-tripped through the API. I posted it through the API using my long-standing Drafts/Shortcuts setup, and then viewed it through the Daystream iOS app. There's still a lot of work to do before the app is ready for launch, but it feels good to have gotten it to this point. Onward!

tags: daystream dev ios

postposted by matt in Saturday, September 24, 2022

You can now add your COVID vaccine card to iPhone's Apple Wallet. Here's how to set it up (

Something tells me the postcard/sticker/hand writing system used in Toledo is incompatible with this new iOS feature. I'll have to keep a picture of my vaccine card in my favorites album on my iPhone.

tags: ios vaccine health tech

posted by matt in Tuesday, October 26, 2021