Jake has a new found interest in golf and both grandpas donated a set of clubs to the cause. Interesting the urge to pull the patents listed on this 3 wood.
photo posted by matt in Sunday, August 18, 2024
Jake has a new found interest in golf and both grandpas donated a set of clubs to the cause. Interesting the urge to pull the patents listed on this 3 wood.
photo posted by matt in Sunday, August 18, 2024
I don't know what a "patent listing" is, at least in the context of "patent filings" as mentioned in this article, but I do know that we already have ways for dealing with "junk" patent applications - the patentability requirements of existing law. If those aren't met, a patent the USPTO shouldn't issue a patent. If the Office needs more resources to better analyze "patent listings" or "patent filings" (I assume both refer to "patent applications"), then give the Congress needs to increase funding for the Office.
It's a question of resources, not rules.
posted by matt in Tuesday, April 30, 2024
I noticed an interesting patent marking while waiting for my pupils to dilate in the eye doctor's office this morning. I've never seen a marking with "Patents for" as the introductory language.
Those are some pretty ancient U.S. patent numbers, btw. The second one listed issued in 1966. Tried and true technology in the field of "fine adjustment of optical instruments," I suppose.
tags: patents
photo posted by matt in Monday, April 22, 2024
I'm finally getting around to taking some shots of patent markings I've collected over the years. My setup isn't ideal yet - I switched to mirrorless last year and still need to fill out the lens lineup for the new format. The 85mm did alright for macro here, with the full set of scoops, but I really need the >1x mag and shorter focusing distance of the 100mm to get the shots I want. That's coming, but taking this shot yesterday has me looking forward to working on this project.
I started with these Zeroll ice cream scoops for a
few reasons. One, it's ice cream. Two, the Zeroll scoop was invented in my hometown of Toledo, Ohio, which I love. Three, it took awhile, but I found an early scoop that shows a patent pending mark (far left). With that, the set shows the company's progress on the product (all others list multiple patents, and their markers have been rotated relative to the handle).
And, lastly, it's ice cream.
tags: patents
photo posted by matt in Sunday, July 16, 2023
Thaler told the Supreme Court that AI is being used to innovate in fields ranging from medicine to energy, and that rejecting AI-generated patents "curtails our patent system's ability - and thwarts Congress's intent - to optimally stimulate innovation and technological progress."
Congress can change this at any time. I bet we'll have Congressional hearings on AI inventorship over the next few years, which will be fascinating. For me, at least.
tags: law patents ai supremecourt congress
posted by matt in Monday, April 24, 2023
This is a smart move by Pfizer (and Merck, which was first to make the arrangement for an oral antiviral pill for Covid). It's smart patent strategy, and also the right thing to do.
posted by matt in Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Former Federal Circuit Chief Judge Michel is still fighting the good fight, now working to open people's eyes to Big Tech's assault on our patent system and to recruit people to the battle. I miss having him his voice on the bench, with his ardent support for the system as a whole. I think his voice is more valuable on the outside these days, though, writing things like this.
posted by matt in Monday, October 25, 2021
Oh, and applications of the mRNA technology in the Kariko paper were patented in 2012. The patents describe the process for practicing the technology in painstaking detail, as the law requires. And they expire in five years - in 2026, opening up incredible opportunities for new applications of the technology.
tags: patents science law covid19 vaccine
posted by matt in Wednesday, March 3, 2021
Patent marks on a Tokheim Corporation fuel dispenser (Matt Buchanan/Fremont Airport, Fremont, OH)
Sure enough, I found a great patent plate on the side of the fuel dispenser. Several U.S. design and utility patents.
tags: patents patentmark
photo posted by matt in Sunday, October 11, 2020
Here's a close-up view of the patent mark, with all the patent numbers.
tags: patents patentmark
photo posted by matt in Sunday, October 4, 2020
I'm always looking for patent markings...found this one today at Costco.
tags: patents patentmark
photo posted by matt in Sunday, October 4, 2020