Good morning! Up and at it!
February 25, 2021
Empty Amazon Box

It was super warm yesterday afternoon (above 50), but everything frosted over last night. February in Ohio!
How a 1960s discovery in Yellowstone made millions of COVID-19 PCR tests possible (
This is a wonderful story on the basic research and the scientist behind the key enzyme that enables PCR. We need more stories like this in the popular media. People need to understand and appreciate the importance of basic research.

Amazon built two new facilities in the Toledo area in the last year. The fulfillment center in Rossford is already online but the smaller delivery station in Toledo - pictured here - seems a bit stuck. Construction wrapped up a couple months ago and it has sat empty since then. I drive past it twice each day and rarely see more than two or three vehicles in the lot. I imagine there's quite a bit involved in bringing one of these into the fold of the delivery network, but it sort of feels like it should be operational by now.