June 15, 2024


The Rolling Stones at Cleveland Browns Stadium

Slept in today, which was nice. I remember waking up with my alarm at 5:30, and thinking I might as well get up. Next thing I know it's 8AM.

Feels good.

post published in /2024/06/15
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We had breakfast and did some planning at Starbucks. We ended up walking to the Guardians team store. Beautiful morning for a walk. The team store was a little underwhelming. I didn't feel like paying hundreds of dollars for a jersey, and couldn't find a decent hoodie. I'll wait for Stones merch. Renee got a hat.

photo published in /2024/06/15
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We timed our visit to the merch truck perfectly. We arrived at about 11:45 and it opened at noon. Met a nice couple from Minneapolis while we waited, and spent some time figuring out which shirts to buy. Renee consulted her sister by FaceTime (my opinion is largely irrelevant on such matters, and I'm ok with that).

Now we don't have to scramble to buy shirts tonight!

Off to lunch.

photo published in /2024/06/15
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We're having lunch at a place called Flannery's and the waitress asks what I want to drink. Seemed like a no brainer to me.

It's a draught Guinness, for the record.

photo published in /2024/06/15
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The Stones certainly did not disappoint. They played a full 2+ hour set, marching through a set list that's nearly impossible to complain about (no Can't you hear me knockin') and at a pace that would have exhausted bands thirty years younger. A great show all around. I'll reflect on it in coming days.

photo published in /2024/06/15
Daystream founder and dev
About today's feature image

We didn't have time to visit the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, unfortunately. It sits essentially next-door to Cleveland Browns Stadium, so we did walk by after getting our Stones merch. I thought this message out front was particularly relevant on this day as we prepared to watch the 80-ish year old Rolling Stones do their thing. Long Live Rock, indeed.

(Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Cleveland, Ohio)
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