Time to add the salt! And time for my annual picture of expired patents on the bags of salt.
tags: pool
photo posted by matt in Saturday, May 18, 2024
Time to add the salt! And time for my annual picture of expired patents on the bags of salt.
tags: pool
photo posted by matt in Saturday, May 18, 2024
I started the process of opening the pool over the weekend. Looks like we've got a minor electrical issue to deal with (didn't have that on the bingo card). The good news is the water looks decent - I could see the bottom of the pool right after peeling the cover back. It's covered with dirt, worms, and all sorts of other junk, of course, but seeing the bottom on day 0 is always a welcome sight.
I pulled the cover off and got the robot going right away, which gave me this great before and after shot.
Now, on t0 that electrical issue.
tags: pool
photo posted by matt in Monday, May 13, 2024
Well, I completed my annual feat of strength today. I'm happy to report that I can still manhandle the pool cover all by myself, without drowning, breaking my neck, or otherwise inflicting significant bodily harm on myself. The gash on my ankle from clubbing it with the anchor tool doesn't count, I've decided.
tags: diy pool thattimeofyear
photo posted by matt in Sunday, October 10, 2021
Shane, Kaylee, and Lindsey enjoying a little pool time.
tags: florida stpetebeach pool
photo posted by matt in Saturday, July 24, 2021
Opening the pool is always a little scary—you never know what the water will look like when you peel back the cover. I've seen everything from pea green to pitch black, which is the worst case scenario.
I was pleasantly surprised when I took the cover off today. Good color, just a bit cloudy. I think a healthy dose of shock and some 'round the clock filtration for a few days should get us in working order.
postposted by matt in Sunday, May 16, 2021
Spending a little extra time at the pool today before heading home tomorrow. Weather is absolutely perfect.
tags: pool stpetebeach florida
photo posted by matt in Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Relevant data points for the day.
tags: pool florida stpetebeach
photo posted by matt in Wednesday, March 31, 2021