Jake and the mailbox give some perspective to the amount of snow that fell.
photo posted by matt in Wednesday, February 2, 2011
The backyard looks like what we want it to look like on Christmas mornings.
photo posted by matt in Wednesday, April 21, 2021
There's a time-honored tradition here in the Midwest of judging the snow-clearing performance of your city or town after a big storm. I certainly don't want to ignore tradition after this doozy of a storm! So, nice work Perrysburg. All major roads were clear early this morning and the plows made a first pass on our residential street as I was finishing the driveway at about 9 AM. This evening, they were focused on detail work, widening the streets a bit. Great job!
tags: weather snow ohio midwest
postposted by matt in Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Well, Round Two certainly didn't disappoint. This is taken right outside our garage, and the top of the driveway. I think there's a little drifting in it, but not much. Luckily it's a really light snow...relatively easy to clear.
photo posted by matt in Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Round Two is underway. Current prediction is for an additional 8-10" of snow over the next several hours. Should be wrapped up overnight. Looking forward to clearing the driveway in the morning!
postposted by matt in Monday, February 15, 2021
Ready to clean up after Round One. Not too bad - looks like the shovel will be sufficient. Saving the snowblower for Round Two later this evening!
photo posted by matt in Monday, February 15, 2021
Round One of today's snow has come and gone. Looks like a couple inches of light and fluffy. Off to shovel....
postposted by matt in Monday, February 15, 2021
weather (Matt Buchanan/Perrysburg, OH)
Neat lines in the snow from opening the gate to the backyard.
tags: snow
photo posted by matt in Sunday, January 31, 2021