May 13, 2024


My pool opening journey

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I started the process of opening the pool over the weekend. Looks like we've got a minor electrical issue to deal with (didn't have that on the bingo card). The good news is the water looks decent - I could see the bottom of the pool right after peeling the cover back. It's covered with dirt, worms, and all sorts of other junk, of course, but seeing the bottom on day 0 is always a welcome sight.

I pulled the cover off and got the robot going right away, which gave me this great before and after shot.

Now, on t0 that electrical issue.

photo published in /2024/05/13

This video from Cleo Abram is the most provocative thing I've seen about the Apple Vision Pro. It's a teleportation device, or at least will be once the technology improves. But here's the key - exploration of far away lands like a Star Trek landing party won't be its biggest impact. That will be fun and exciting, of course, but the bigger deal is the impact it will have on human relationships. Physical distance between people will become less of an impediment to human interaction. Indeed, it might become largely irrelevant. You won't be alone even though you live three states away from your kids. Or parents. Interactions with the Apple Vision Pro will feel like actual in-person visits. So much so that we'll think of them as such, unlike letters, phone calls, and even modern video calls.

And why stop with erasing the impediment of physical distance? Why not erase the impediment of time, too?

They look a bit ridiculous right now, but someday a future version of the Vision Pro, or a similar product, will be commonplace.

And it's going to be incredible.

post published in /2024/05/13
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We fixed the electrical issue in the pool, btw. And by "we," I mean "an electrician and I." I had to call in some help, but we found the problem. This old timer switch, which we haven't used in years but was still in the circuit for the pump, apparently didn't make it through the winter. We bypassed it, and all is well.

photo published in /2024/05/13
Daystream founder and dev
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    We were right in the path for this once in a lifetime experience! What a day.

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    We were right in the path for this once in a lifetime experience! What a day.

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    We were right in the path for this once in a lifetime experience! What a day.

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