Wow I've got a lot to do today. Feels like the first "busy" weekend I've had in awhile. Errands, grass, and...flying!
April 17, 2021
Learning to Fly

But first, a little Lucy time with my morning coffee.

And then a little time with Teddy as I take him to the vet (regular, not emergency) for what will hopefully be his last blood draw, bringing his Advil scare to an end.
Turkey's central bank bans the use of cryptocurrencies for payments (
Is Turkey an outlier on crypto, or a trendsetter? Only time will tell. For now, the open question is one of the biggest risks in crypto.
America (My Country, 'Tis of Thee) - Wikipedia (
Watching Prince Phillip's funeral this morning with Renee. I couldn't understand why they're were playing America, my country 'tis of thee. Makes no sense.
Well, I learned today that that song was written in 1831 and uses the same melody as the national anthem of the United Kingdom, God Save the Queen. Apparently it was written as a bit of a, um, nod to our British roots.

I finally went flying with Jake today. I'm not sure, really, why it took me so long and now I'm wishing I would have done it sooner. But, no matter. Today I flew with Jake for the first time.
Just flying in a small plane was, of course, an incredible experience. But, more so, seeing Jake pilot like a boss was nothing short of amazing. He was professional, practiced, and steady as she goes. And, to both of our surprise, his instructor Tyler had him put on the instrument goggles to start his instrument training. We flew for about an hour, and I think Jake was under the goggles for ~45 minutes of that.
Incredible experience, and now I can't wait to do it again.

Tyler had Jake make several maneuvers while wearing the goggles, teaching him how to scan the instruments and to rely on them for feedback as the maneuver was underway. It's an odd feeling, I'm sure, and seems like it would be hard to get used to. Jake seemed pretty comfortable with it, though.

Ohio is actually quite beautiful when viewed through the window of a Cessna!

We saw Cedar Point off in the distance. I struggled to get a decent shot, but it was still great to see it from this perspective.

Our feral cat came for dinner tonight, too. I love it when Lucy watches him eat from the laundry room. I think he'd tear her apart if they ever encountered each other, but she sure loves watching him a safe spot inside the house.