We stopped at a snorkel shop to rent some gear and met this awesome store kitty - Meow Meow. She was super friendly and loved every bit of the attention we gave her!
photo posted by matt in Friday, March 25, 2022
We stopped at a snorkel shop to rent some gear and met this awesome store kitty - Meow Meow. She was super friendly and loved every bit of the attention we gave her!
photo posted by matt in Friday, March 25, 2022
Jake and I spotted this cat as we walked along the beach this morning — one of three feral cats we saw. This one definitely has the Aloha attitude down....just chillin.
photo posted by matt in Thursday, March 24, 2022
Our feral cat came for dinner tonight, too. I love it when Lucy watches him eat from the laundry room. I think he'd tear her apart if they ever encountered each other, but she sure loves watching him a safe spot inside the house.
photo posted by matt in Saturday, April 17, 2021
Our feral cat returned tonight. We trapped him in the garage last week to give him shelter from the extreme cold and snow. He wasn't happy about it - stayed away for a few days. But, he was back early this morning and again tonight. I guess he's done being mad at us for giving him shelter, a warm bed (in the wooden house in the pic), and food and water.
photo posted by matt in Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Our feral cat is getting a little picky. Renee ran a taste test for him - creamy v. chunky. Looks like he prefers chunky.
photo posted by matt in Friday, December 4, 2020
Our vagabond kitty returned tonight after a three day absence. He would have set a new record for days away had he not come tonight. And he was starving - scarfed down to cans of food in a matter of minutes! Renee and I were both happy to see him.
photo posted by matt in Monday, November 16, 2020
Lucy's got that look - clearly she's a bit upset I was paying more attention to MacBreak Weekly than her.
photo posted by matt in Thursday, October 29, 2020
After catching her peering through the garage door, I decide to take a few more snaps of Lucy inside. She was all too willing...even posing a bit, I think.
tags: cat
photo posted by matt in Monday, October 26, 2020
Lucy waits patiently every night for her feral cat friend to show up for dinner. He's late tonight, and hasn't been around in a couple days. I seriously think she's a little concerned.
tags: cat
photo posted by matt in Monday, October 26, 2020